So, You Are a Winner.
What makes me significant? I can not stop asking myself this damn question. The past two weeks have been hard. It has felt like an ongoing fight between a chronic lack of motivation and an overwhelming feeling of insignificance. As I was stressing about what to write for you guys, I came to the realization that it would be so fake of me to produce some article displaying the side of me that has it all together. The goal is never to appear as some girl boss who has all her ducks in a row, because that’s a fat lie. I don’t have it all together, my room currently resembles a pig sty, my grades could most definitely be better, and writing this post took way longer than it should’ve. I made this blog to help some of you realize how relatable your lives are and to do so, I need to be so real about my own. It’s so ok to struggle, it’s what makes us human.
Significance. I keep asking myself what makes me significant. What is it that is making my life worthy of recognition? This has got to be in the top 10 worst questions to ever ask yourself when you feel you are already spiraling. We are all so hard on ourselves. I don’t know about you but if I’m in my bag and somebody asks me what I’m doing with my life, I don’t care if I just single-handedly cured cancer, I am gonna have a meltdown. We need to start recognizing our small wins, if we hold ourselves to these unreal standards we are never going to feel like we have done anything significant, and that feeling absolutely sucks. How do we detect one of these small wins you may ask? Well, I think first you have to identify what mental state you are in. If I’m having a bad depression day and I manage to not take a 4-hour nap, that’s a win. However maybe if I’m having a good day I can hold my daily wins to a bit higher standards…like cleaning my room or getting a decent amount of school work done.
When being discharged from rehab, the other patients go around and give you “gifts”. These gifts are really just tips or hopes they have for your future. On my last day at the Renfrew Center, a friend I made during my time there, gave me the gift of grace. Grace for myself. I can’t express how important I believe it is for us to learn how to forgive ourselves. To learn how to appreciate ourselves. To learn how to show grace to ourselves. You are gonna start detecting a lot more wins, when you start showing yourself this grace.
The point really is, you are significant regardless of how much you got done today, what makes you a winner is the fact that you are still gonna get up and try again tomorrow. As cheesy as it sounds, we are all winners, and we are all significant…even if all we got done today was the day itself. I am so proud of you. Stop wasting time beating yourself up. Remember, struggles are inevitable, but struggling in silence is not.
-XOXO, Tara🤍